Ozan Jaquette
Moore Hall 3038
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521
Ozan Jaquette
Associate Professor
Ozan Jaquette is an associate professor of higher education in the UCLA School of Education and Information Studies. His research specializations are organizational behavior, enrollment management, higher education finance, and recruiting. His current research utilizes data science techniques (e.g., web-scraping) and other onerous methods (e.g., public records requests) to investigate marketing and recruiting behaviors in higher education. He teaches courses in programming, statistics, and organizational behavior. He is the associate director of curriculum for the UCLA DataX initiative and he has developed courses in programming and data analysis using R that are designed for students who are anxious about learning to code: https://anyone-can-cook.github.io/rclass1/ and https://anyone-can-cook.github.io/rclass2/.
Academic Advising Specializations
Associate Professor of Higher Education
- Ph.D. 2011, Higher Education University of Michigan
- M.Phil. 2005, Social Policy Oxford University
- B.B.A. 2001, Business Economics George Washington University