Support Ed&IS
A Culture of Challenging Convention
At UCLA Ed&IS, our work is driven by a quest for excellence while focusing on equity, diversity and opportunity for all. Our undergraduate and graduate students and faculty share a goal of cultivating real-world change from revolutionary educational thinking. In our community no idea is too new, no obstacle is insurmountable and no student is unteachable. Our community’s imagination and empathy drives incredible results, and that community includes you. It is your support and commitment that make our achievements possible.
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The External Relations Team
How to Give
You may choose from a number of options for making your gift. Learn more about ways to make your donation:
Donors may elect to make a gift via a charge to a credit or debit card. Make a secure credit or debit card gift online now.
Donate OnlineIf you are interested in making a gift via check, please contact the UCLA Ed&IS External Relations Office at (310) 206-0375.
Make check payable to UCLA Foundation and send to:
UCLA School of Education and Information Studies
Attn: External Relations Office
2043 Moore Hall
PO Box 951521
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521
Monthly payments via electronic funds transfer may be arranged through a donor’s financial institution and the UCLA Foundation.
To ensure proper disposition of the gifts, please contact the UCLA Ed&IS External Relations Office at (310) 206-0375.
To ensure proper disposition of the gifts, please contact the UCLA Ed&IS External Relations Office at (310) 206-0375.
UCLA Ed&IS welcomes gifts of appreciated stock. You can download the appreciated stock form using the link below. If you have questions, please call the UCLA Ed&IS External Relations Office at (310) 206-0375 for more information and for detailed transfer instructions.
Employer matching gifts can double or triple your gift…and you can receive full credit for the total amount of the donation for the purposes of recognition and benefits.
You can request and fill in a matching gift form from your company (often through the human resources office) and mail in or email the form to the UCLA Ed&IS External Relations office.
For more information, please contact the UCLA Ed&IS External Relations Office at (310) 206-0375.
Honorary gifts commemorate a significant event or someone who is still living. Alumni also frequently make gifts to honor a faculty member at Ed&IS. A memorial gift can help perpetuate the values and ideals that guided someone’s life. Families of those so honored will be notified of your gift, but the amount of the gift is not disclosed.
If you are interested in making a memorial or honorary gift, please contact the UCLA Ed&IS External Relations Office at (310) 206-0375.
Real property, either in its entirety or in part, can be deeded to The UCLA Foundation to benefit the University. For residential properties, it is possible to arrange a sizable tax deduction by deeding a home to UCLA, while continuing to occupy the property for life.
UCLA Ed&IS gratefully accepts donations of materials that support its academic, teaching and research mission. The University receives a wide variety of such gifts, including rare books and manuscripts, works of art, equipment and other items of value.
If you are interested in making a gift of real estate or materials, please contact the UCLA Ed&IS External Relations Office at (310) 206-0375.
Legacy gifts have resulted in some of the School’s most generous and far-reaching gifts. Your planned gift will ensure academic excellence and access for generations to come. Your gift can also provide financial and tax benefits for you, your heirs, and others you care about.