Anna Markowitz
Moore Hall 3323
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521
Anna Markowitz
Associate Professor
Dr. Markowitz’s current projects include:
- The Study of Early Education in Louisiana
- Teacher Turnover in Head Start
- Food Insecurity in Early Childhood
Academic Advising Specializations
- Ph.D., Psychology, Human Development and Public Policy, Georgetown University
- M.P.P., Masters of Public Policy, Georgetown University
- M.A., Applied Developmental and Educational Psychology, Boston College
- B.A., Psychology, Creative Writing Minor, Gettysburg College
Select Publications
- Bassok, D., Markowitz, A.J., Bellows, L., & Sadowski, K.C. (2021). New evidence on teacher turnover in early childhood. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.
- Markowitz, A.J., Johnson, A.D., & Hines, C. (2021). Food insecurity in toddlerhood and school readiness: Mediating pathways through parental wellbeing and behaviors. Advances in Child and Family Policy and Practice.
- Markowitz, A.J., Sadowski, K.C., & Hamre, B.K. (2021). Teacher education and the quality of teacher-child interactions: New evidence from the universe of publicly-funded early childhood programs in Louisiana. Early Education and Development.
- Markowitz, A.J., Bassok, D., & Grissom, J. (2020). Teacher-child racial/ethnic match and parental engagement in Head Start. American Educational Research Journal, 57(5), 2132-2174.
- Markowitz, A.J., Bassok, D., & Player, D. (2020). Simplifying early childhood accountability systems. Children and Youth Services Review.
- Markowitz, A.J., & Ansari, A. (2020). Changes in Academic Instructional Experiences in Head Start Classrooms from 2001-2015. Early Childhood Research Quarterly.