Ed&IS Leadership

Faculty Executive Committee

The Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) is elected by the faculty and conducts the governance of the School.

Ramesh Srinivasan, Chair

Terri McCarty, Chair Elect

Richard Desjardins, Education, Thuy Van Dang, Information StudiesMembers-at-Large

Anna Markowitz, Julissa Muñiz, Edith Omwami Education Representatives

Jonathan Furner, Anne Gilliland, Information Studies Representatives

Christina Christie, Ed&IS Dean, ex-officio

Georgia Lazo, Ed&IS Associate Dean, ex-officio

Daniel Solorzano, Ed&IS Interim Associate Dean, ex-officio

Annamarie Francois, Ed&IS Associate Dean, ex-officio

Cecilia Rios-Aguilar, Education Department Chair, ex-officio

Todd Franke, Interim Information Studies Department Chair, ex-officio

Emma Hipolito, Education Department Professional Faculty Representative

Casey Winkleman, Information Studies Department Professional Faculty Representative

TBD, Education Student Representative

TBD, Information Studies Student Representative

The Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) is elected by the faculty and conducts the governance of the School. In particular, the FEC:

  • Provides general oversight of the academic programs in the School.
  • Serves as an advisory body on matters concerning the welfare of students in the School.
  • Reviews and approves requirements for School majors, minors, honors programs, and other curricular requirements of the School.
  • Reviews and proposes changes to School regulations.
  • Consults with concerned faculty members and members of the administration and makes recommendations to the Deans based on established Senate policies about the School’s allocation of educational resources, academic priorities, and planning and budget issues.

FEC members are elected for two-year terms. The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected by all faculty in the School.