Rebecca Gotlieb
Rebecca Gotlieb
Assistant Researcher
Rebecca Gotlieb, Ph.D., is a human developmental psychologist and educational neuroscientist. She is an Assistant Researcher in the Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice, in the School of Education at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research focuses on the coordinated neuropsychological development of literacy and social-emotional functioning in early childhood through young adulthood. Dr. Gotlieb completed her Ph.D. as a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow in the Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education at the University of Southern California and completed post-doctoral research at UCLA.
Research Centers
- Ph.D., Education, University of Southern California
- B.A. with High Honors, Psychological and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College
Select Publications
- Gotlieb, R. J. M., Immordino-Yang, M.H., Gonzalez, E., Rhinehart, L., Peuschel, E., Mahjouri, S., Nadaya, G. (2022). Becoming Literate: Current Perspectives on the Coordinated Development of Reading Skills and Social-Emotional Functioning Among Diverse Youth. Invited submission at Literacy Research: Theory, Methods, and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1177/23813377221120107
- Gotlieb, R. J. M., Rhinehart, L., & Wolf, M. (2022). The “Reading Brain” is Taught, Not Born: Evidence from the Evolving Neuroscience of Reading for Teachers and Society. The Reading League Journal.
- Gotlieb, R., Yang, X.F., Immordino-Yang, M.H. (2022). Concrete and abstract dimensions of community adolescents’ social-emotional meaning-making, and associations with broader functioning. Journal of Adolescent Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/07435584221091498
- Gotlieb, R., Yang, X.F., Immordino-Yang, M.H. (2022). Default and executive networks’ roles in diverse adolescents’ emotionally engaged construals of complex social issues. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 17 (4), 421-429. https://doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsab108
- Gotlieb, R. J. M., Yang, X.F., Immordino-Yang, M.H. (2021). Measuring learning in the blink of an eye: Adolescents’ neurophysiological reactions predict long-term memory for stories. Frontiers in Education, 5. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2020.594668
- Gotlieb, R. J. M*., Pollack, C*., Younger, J., Toomarian, E., Allaire-Douquet, G., Mariager, N.M. (2019). Next steps for Mind, Brain and Education: Strengthening early-career development. Mind, Brain and Education,13(3), 120-132. https://doi.org/10.1111/mbe.12197
- Immordino-Yang, M.H. & Gotlieb, R. (2017). Embodied brains, social minds, cultural meaning: Integrating neuroscientific and educational research on social-affective development. American Educational Research Journal: Centennial Issue, 54(1),344-367. https://doi.org/10.3102/0002831216669780
- Gotlieb, R., Hyde, E., Immordino-Yang, M.H., & Kaufman, S.B. (2016) Cultivating the social-emotional imagination in gifted education: Insights from educational neuroscience. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1377(1), 22-31. doi: 10.1111/nyas.13165