Glory Tobiason
Education Lecturer
The goal of Glory Tobiason’s research is to understand and support the work of teachers. She studies ways to strengthen instructional practice in higher education – in particular, how to design flexible programs of faculty-friendly peer observation. Another area of interest is the evaluation of instructional practice, where she considers the rhetorical, political, and social complexities of expertise, methodology, and positionality. At UCLA, she teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in research methods and supports the Education Department’s TA training program for graduate student TAs. Prior to coming to UCLA, she spent nine delightful years as a K-12 teacher.
Research Centers
Awards, Honors and Fellowships
- 2023: Staff Appreciation and Recognition Award, School of Education and Information Studies
- 2017: Distinguished Teaching Assistant/Special Reader Award, Department of Education at University of California
- 2016: Dissertation Year Fellowship, Graduate Division at University of California
- 2015: Merit Scholarship, Department of Education at University of California
- 2014: Merit Scholarship, University of California
- 2014: Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Award, Graduate Division at University of California
- 2013: Merit Scholarship, Department of Education at University of California
- 2013: Louise Tyler Fellowship, University of California
- Ph.D., Social Research Methodology, UCLA, 2017
- M.S., Pure Mathematics, Western Washington University, 2003
- B.S., Pure Mathematics, Western Washington University, 2002
- TESOL Certification, LanguageCorps, 2008
- GED Certificate, 1999
Select Publications
- Tobiason, G. A. (2022). Going small, going carefully, with a friend: Helping faculty adopt lesson-level constructive alignment (CA) through non-evaluative peer observation. Active Learning in Higher Education. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/14697874221092977
- Tobiason, G. A. (2021). From content-centered logic to student-centered logic: Can peer observation shift how faculty think about their teaching? International Journal for Academic Development. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/1360144X.2021.2015691
- Tobiason, G. A. (2021). Faculty supporting faculty… supporting students: Peer observation and responsive teaching innovations. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 53(6). doi: 10.1080/00091383.2021.1987791
- Tobiason, G. A. (2019). Talking our way around expert caution: A rhetorical analysis of VAM. Educational Researcher, 48(1), 19-30. doi: 10.3102/0013189X18797618
- Tobiason, G. A. (2019). Countering expert uncertainty: Rhetorical strategies from the case of value-added modeling in teacher evaluation. Minerva, 57(1), 109-126. doi: 10.1007/s11024-018-9359-z
- Tobiason, G. A. (2015). Expertise gaps in value-added modeling: Are we consulting the right experts? Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, 34(5-6), 183-191. doi: 10.1177/0270467615582106
- Tobiason, G. A. (2014). The semantics of measuring teacher effectiveness: How word choice shapes public perception, policy, and practice. InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, 10(1).
- Schreiber, S. J. & Tobiason, G. A. (2003). The evolution of resource use. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 47(1), 56-78. doi:10.1007/s00285-003-0195-9