Annamarie Francois
Moore Hall 1320
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521
Annamarie Francois
Associate Dean for Public Engagement
- Ecosystems and Professional Learning
- Multicultural Education
- Teacher Education
- Transformative School-University Partnerships
- Administration
- Diversity
- Equity
- Leadership
- Literacy
- Multicultural Education
- Professional Development
- Teaching
Research Centers
Titles and Positions
- Associate Dean of Public Engagement
- Faculty, UCLA Teacher Education Program
- Faculty, UCLA Transformative Coaching & Leadership Program
Awards, Honors and Fellowships
- Principal Investigator, UCLA STEM+C3 Teacher Residency Program (ED)
- Principal Investigator, IMPACT Urban Teacher Residency Program: Inspiring Minds through a Professional Alliance of Community Teachers (ED)
- Principal Investigator, California Subject Matter Projects at UCLA (UCOP)
- Co-Principal Investigator, 21st Century School Leadership Academy Center (CDE)
- Co-Principal Investigator, California Teacher Education Research and Innovation Network (UCOP)
- Co-Principal Investigator, Next Generation STEM Teachers for Urban Schools: Recruiting, Preparing, and Mentoring UCLA Undergraduates for Innovative STEM Teaching (NSF)
- Ed.D., Educational Leadership, University of California, Los Angeles
- M.A., Administration, Supervision and Higher Education, California State University, Northridge
- B.A., History, University of California, Los Angeles
Select Publications
- Francois, A., and Hunter-Quartz, K. (September, 2021). Preparing and sustaining social justice educators for urban schools. Cambridge: Harvard Education Press
- Francois, A., and Kawasaki, J. (in press, 2021). IMPACT: 10 Years of lessons learned from an urban teacher residency program.
- Francois, A. and Kawasaki, J. (September, 2021). Learning to become a community teacher. In Francois, A. & K.H. Quartz (Eds.), Preparing and sustaining social justice educators (Chapter 2). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
- Nava, I., Isken, J. & Francois, A. (2020). Open the door to diversity: Teacher residencies in urban schools boost retention and achievement. The Learning Professional. Vol. 41 No.6.
- Kawasaki, J., Clark, H.F., & Francois, A. (2020). Supporting novice teachers’ learning to enact a social justice framework of science teaching. In M. Gresalfi & I. Horn (Eds.), Proceedings of the Interdisciplinarity of the learning sciences: The international conference of the learning sciences (ICLS) 2020. Nashville: ISLS
- Orange, T., Isken, J. Green, A., Parachini, N., Francois, A. (2019). Coaching for equity: Disrupt and transform practices that reveal implicit and explicit biases. The Learning Professional.
- Kawasaki, J., Quartz, K.H., & Francois, A. (2019). Examining mentors’ ideas about being a social justice educator. Mid-western Educational Researcher, Special Issue on Mentoring.
- Kawasaki, J., Anderson-Levitt, K.A., Nenadal, L., Tanio, N., Pham, J., Diera, C., and Francois, A. (2018). From theory to practice: How pre-service teachers learn to become social justice educators. In J. Kay & R. Luckin (Eds.), Proceedings of the Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age: Making the learning sciences count. The International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2018 (Vol. 2, pp 713-720). London: ISLS.
- Hunter-Quartz, K., & Francois, A. (2014). Learning to teach in residence. Huffington Post Education Blog.