
Our alumni carry on UCLA’s tradition of striving for excellence, thinking out of the box, and transforming people’s lives.

Education Alumni Community

Our education alumni are made up of graduates from our world renowned degree programs in the Department of Education, the Teacher Education Program, and the Principal Leadership Institute. Our alumni carry on UCLA’s tradition of striving for excellence, thinking out of the box, and transforming people’s lives.

They have gone on to serve the education profession as some of the best researchers, teachers, principals, superintendents, curriculum and program developers, consultants, and collaborators in urban environments where they are bettering the lives of students and the education system at large. Their reach includes over 62 schools in the greater Los Angeles area as well as schools, school districts, think tanks, education institutions, and government agencies across the country and around the world.

To learn more about our degrees in education, click here.

Information Studies Alumni Community

Our alumni carry on UCLA’s tradition of striving for excellence, thinking out of the box, and transforming people’s lives.

Our alumni have gone on to pursue careers in organizations such as the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the California State Library, the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Library of Congress, the Los Angeles Public Library, and the National Archives, and in companies such as Disney, eBay, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Sony Pictures.

Their reach includes almost all libraries, archives, and museums in the greater Los Angeles area as well as numerous not-for-profit organizations, private companies, government agencies, universities, colleges, and schools across the country and around the world.

To learn more about our degrees in information studies, click here.

Library and Information Studies Alumni Association (LISAA)

If you are a graduate of the UCLA Department of Information Studies, then you are a member of the Library and Information Studies Alumni Association or LISAA. We provide alumni with opportunities for networking, lifelong learning, and engagement throughout the year. We sponsor colloquia, mixer, and other events including the Annual Spring Awards Dinner. And we support the department through our mentorship program, pairing alumni with Information Studies graduate students, and by supporting other activities in the department. We invite you to stay connected and involved! As a graduate of the program (MLS, Ph.D., Certificate) you’re already part of a special group of UCLA graduates who continue to make their contribution to library and information services across the state, country, and world.

Learn More About LISAA

Meet Our Information Studies Alumni

Exceptional leaders and innovators in their fields. Our alumni are working to achieve diverse, equitable, and accessible education for all.

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