UCLA Ed&IS Strategic Plan 2024-2028
Our Mission
The School of Education and Information Studies is dedicated to inquiry, the advancement of knowledge, the improvement of professional practice, and service to the education and information professions. We develop future generations of scholars, leaders, teachers, and information professionals. Our work is guided by the principles of shared responsibility and social justice, an ethic of caring, and commitment to the communities we serve.

True Bruin Values
I will respect the rights and dignity of others.
I will be accountable as an individual and member of this community for my ethical conduct.
I will conduct myself with integrity in my dealings with & on behalf of the University.
I will make an impact on our global community through public service.
I will conscientiously strive for excellence in my work.
Our Goals
These goals reflect our dedication to academic excellence, research advancement, and community engagement, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of addressing the most pressing challenges in education and information studies.
We are consistently engaging with our alumni and the broader LA community (e.g., K-12 schools, community colleges, non-profit organizations, public libraries, arts organizations, etc.) to co-develop sustainable plans that address current and critical issues
We use our historical lens and research capacity to provide additional data to partners so that we can collectively engage the multiple communities in which we work and live
As learners situated in the fields of education and information studies, we recognize the interconnectedness of social and environmental systems, and consistently work to create more equitable conditions

Foster collaborative and trusting relationships in which the histories, experience, expertise, and wisdom of all partners are affirmed.

Engage our alumni and Ed&IS community in learning, inquiry, and dialogue about education, information, and community well-being on the UCLA campus

Increase physical presence and visibility of students, faculty, and staff in Los Angeles for the purpose of learning, inquiry, and dialogue about histories, education, information and community well-being, with particular emphasis on programming in the Trust Building in Pershing Square
- Deepen and increase our interactions of students, faculty, staff at schools, libraries, archives, colleges, and other sites across LA
- Enhance and expand LA-based events aimed at fostering learning, inquiry, and dialogue about education, information, and community well-being in LA
- Deepen and expand campus-based events, the central themes of these events, and increase patterns of participation at these events
- Enhance inclusive participation and opportunities for meaningful contributions at our events from a broad cross section of participants
- Document our LA-based engagement on interactive maps
As members of a global community, we are committed to learning with and from youth, community partners, information specialists, educators and scholars from across the globe
We aim to deepen our engagement, awareness and understanding of global issues and communities to democratize information, knowledge, research, and practice
Through global research, practice and partnerships, we support the wellbeing of the planet, people’s sense of belonging and interconnectedness, and understanding the impact and disruptions of migration on students and communities

Broaden and deepen our global partnerships

Strengthen our programmatic approach to international education and research

Cultivate a culture of ethical global citizenry through GLocAl programing
- Increase our outreach, engagement, and number of partnerships with students, scholars, and institutions outside of the US
- Increase opportunities for students and faculty and our affiliated centres and schools to engage in international research and teaching, and in activities that connect the local with global
- Increase our engagement with undergraduate and graduate alumni abroad through virtual and in-person events
We generate knowledge and cultivate creative opportunities to advance a more equitable, inclusive, and participatory democracy by promoting understandings of how information and education play a critical role in that movement.
We commit to engaging youth, community partners, information specialists, educators and scholars in shared inquiry that develops the civic skills and commitments necessary to build complex alliances, address shared problems and envision a more promising future.

Enhance research connections between faculty and the two departments

Build a culture of connection and shared learning and research by fostering visibility of each other’s work

Centers are designed to support the intersection between Ed&IS so that we can bring multiple and different perspectives to critical problems in the community
- Increase the number of community-engaged scholarship opportunities for both Information Studies and Education faculty and students
- Increase opportunities for open access and varied types of publications and creative activities
- Identify and document the number of funding sources that include faculty who cut across departments
- Identify and document the number of fundings sources for all students
As education and information studies scholars, practitioners, teachers and learners, we center conversations on the interconnectedness of teaching, learning, and research. We consistently engage in reflection on our practice in relation to our students and our students’ needs.
We attend to current and critical issues in ways that are responsive and support our collective well-being.
We actively work to design relational, material, digital, and technological tools that support critical and generous engagement with multiple viewpoints. In our designs, we consider and take a critical stance that involves reflecting on the histories, purposes, and impacts of the tools we choose.

Foster and promote the connections between research and teaching, cultivating opportunities to engage in shared experiences across all programs

Build our capacity and expertise for equitable and accessible teaching and mentoring practices

Develop models for deeper engagement with the histories of the university and Los Angeles through community-centered teaching
- Expand our networks and partnerships with various entities that can strengthen our teaching and learning capacity
- Cultivate thriving, healthy, future-oriented learning communities
- Expanded opportunities for reflection on practice, designing learning tools, and environments
- Deepen connections between academic and professional degree programs and communities
- Strengthen connections between alumni, current students, and faculty
- Increase professional development and learning that strengthens the relationship between our research and classroom teaching and mentorship
We support research, creative activities, and teaching by offering an administrative structure that is accurate, transparent, and fair through efficient processes and systems.
We provide technological tools, staff support, and database systems so that Ed&IS employees and students can be empowered to achieve excellence in connecting research and practice.

Strengthen operational systems and structures that support the goals of the strategic plan and the School

Provide and evaluate clarity of roles, responsibilities, and processes for greater transparency of administrative functions

Increase awareness and knowledge of administrative resources for the School and University
- Institute an administrative ticketing system
- Develop and maintain Ed&IS dashboard to track progress on strategic priorities
- Develop clear mechanisms to share information on administrative operations through consistent training sessions

Key Accomplishments Since 2020
New Initiatives and Highlights
- Co-located Information Studies and Education Faculty in Moore Hall
- Launch of new undergraduate major in education
- Establish Ed&IS joint minor: Information and Media Literacy
- Awarded over $82 million in grants and contracts
New Faculty
- 12 Education
- 6 Information Studies
Student Funding
- $11 million in new scholarship funds raised since 2020
- Approximately one out of every four students have received Ed&IS scholarships
- All incoming PhD Education students fully funded