Infant-12 School Partnerships
Creating opportunities that change lives
Our partnership schools create an ecosystem of PreK-12 teaching schools where UCLA can partner to develop, study share, and advance innovative best practices.

UCLA Lab School
The mission of UCLA Lab School is to promote innovation and excellence in education through research, outreach, teaching and learning. UCLA Lab School is dedicated to addressing the needs of children from diverse backgrounds and values; creating teaching and learning environments that honor each child’s natural joy of learning. The campus serves as a laboratory for exploring innovative ideas about teaching, learning, and child development. The results of our studies are shared through collaborations with educators from other schools, through conferences, workshops and site visits, and in print publications and other media. Through this mix of strategies, UCLA Lab School teaching practices and research outcomes have been widely shared with schools across the globe.
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UCLA Community School (CS1)
The UCLA Community School is the first in a series of Teaching Schools established by UCLA. These K-12 partner schools serve much the same role as the teaching hospital system that transformed our nation’s medical practices. Recognized in March 2015 by the State of California as a model of innovation in higher education, UCLA’s Teaching Schools are designed to create, evaluate, and demonstrate innovative instructional strategies; to help shape stronger teacher education programs; to serve as sites for training future and current educational professionals. When UCLA CS opened in 2009, UCLA Chancellor Gene Block noted the school’s impact would extend far beyond a single neighborhood. As a vibrant site for research-practice partnerships, the school maintains an active program of systematic inquiry that informs practice, ensures accountability, and creates generalizable knowledge about schooling.
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Mann UCLA Community School
Mann UCLA Community School began in 2017 as a Los Angeles Unified School District/UCLA partnership, to bring together the resources of the school, family and community to help young people thrive and make families and communities stronger in the South Los Angeles area. The school’s mission is to challenge old assumptions, remove barriers to learning and reshape the way we think about public education.
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UCLA Geffen Academy
UCLA’s mission of research, teaching and service extends to Geffen Academy. This innovative college preparatory school offers a world-class education to a diverse population of 6th through 12th grade students who come from across the greater Los Angeles area as well as to the families of our faculty and staff. Geffen Academy’s curriculum and programming has been shaped with input from UCLA faculty and is based on evidence that these students reach their full potential when given opportunities to solve the critical problems that confront our society.
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UCLA Early Care and Education
The UCLA Early Care and Education programs provide quality child care, support families and share information and resources with the community to make a positive difference in the lives of children, in support of the teaching, research and community service mission of the University.
We believe that early learning is relationship-based. Our fundamental goal is to establish trusting relationships among children, teachers and parents. Carefully constructed early education experiences promote exploration, critical thinking, cooperative play and the development of mutual respect.
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K–12 Educational Options for UCLA community
With continued commitment to provide our Bruin Community with K-12 options for your children, we are pleased to announce an updated collaboration with Los Angeles Unified School District Region West to assist our UCLA families with enrollment options for K-12 schools within region West.
LAUSD Region West has two Strategic Enrollment counselors whose primary role is to support families in understanding the wide variety of program options and general application guidelines. Strategic Enrollment counselors offer tailored support that addresses the needs of students and families. The counselors will offer the following:
For more information: Sarah Bang