In a first look at the impact of COVID-19 on American high schools, the Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access at UCLA (IDEA) has published a new national survey of high school principals in California and across the nation. The survey finds schools stepping up strongly to respond to the needs of students confronted by illness, economic insecurity and homelessness, stress and anxiety, and even death, but still challenged by the pervasive inequities that have for too long undermined schools and communities.
John Rogers, UCLA education professor and IDEA director, will share and discuss the findings of the survey in, “The View from the Principal’s Office,” the latest installment of the UCLA GSEIS Zoom webinar series, “Schools in Light of COVID -19.”
Rogers will be joined in the discussion by Cynthia Gonzalez, principal of the Communications and Technology School at the Diego Rivera Learning Complex, and Juan Manuel Raygoza, principal of Berkeley High School in Berkeley, California.
The discussion with be moderated by Louis Freedberg, executive director of EdSource, a highly respected educational news site serving as a critical source of education information, research and analysis for the state of California, which has the largest and most diverse public education system in the nation.
To attend this webinar, RSVP here. For a PDF version of the event flyer, click here.
Visit the UCLA IDEA website to read, “Learning Lessons: U.S. Public High Schools and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spring 2020.”