The UCLA School of Education and Information Studies and the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health will present a webinar on “Principal Practices for Safe Schools: School-Based Sports During COVID-19” on Thursday, April 15, 4-5 p.m.
The Q&A discussion led by school administrators with public health experts to discuss school-based sports and guidelines during the pandemic. Speakers include Mauro Bautista, principal, Mendez High School; Xavier Contreras, athletic director, ELD teacher and academic recruitment coordinator, Mendez High School; Victor Doan, cross country and wrestling coach and biology and sports medicine teacher, San Leandro High School; and Trudy Raymundo, head of external affairs, COVID-19 Response, California Department of Public Health.
This event is also supported by the Association of California School Administrators, the California Department of Public Health, California ALL, UC San Francisco, and California Connected.
To register for this event, visit this link.
For a PDF of the webinar flyer, click here.