Sarah T. Roberts, UCLA associate professor of information studies, is featured on The Guardian’s list of “10 ideas to fix our broken internet – by experts” In the wake of violent uprisings in the nation’s Capitol due to misuse of social media.
“What, then, is my grand solution going forward?” writes Roberts, who is co-director of the UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry. “That platforms enforce the rules, transparently and with immediacy for all users, and hold them accountable for their behavior online.
“Do this even more so, and not less, when the person on the other end of the tweet holds the world hostage to his mercurial, dangerous whims. To have offered Trump a lesser standard, to have refused to hold him to account until the 11th hour, has put American democracy and the stability of the globe on the line and made social media firms complicit in the destabilization from which we have yet to emerge.”
Professor Roberts is the author of “Behind the Screen: Content Moderation in the Shadows of Social Media,” recently re-released in France by La Découverte.
Visit Tech Policy Press for Professor Roberts’ unabridged response to The Guardian.
To read, “Banning Trump won’t fix social media: 10 ideas to fix our broken internet – by experts,” visit The Guardian.
Photo by Stella Kalinina