Kim Gomez
Moore Hall 2141
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90095-1520
Kim Gomez
Kimberley Gomez is a Professor in the Urban Schooling Division in the Department of Education at UCLA, and is jointly appointed in the Information Studies Department at UCLA. She is the Principal Investigator on a National Science Foundation Computer Science for All: Researcher-Practitioner Partnership (RPP) grant that focuses on how to effectively teach problem solving practices in 3rd – 4th grade computer science classes, in low-income communities. In particular, the focus is on how to build students’ capacities to articulate their problem-solving process, understand how different strategies advance problem solving, and develop and enact new strategies for problem solving. Professor Gomez is leading understanding in how to effectively integrate technology into teaching and learning with an emphasis less on the designed tool as the catalyst, and more towards pedagogy and lesson design enhanced with technology. More broadly, her research aims to deeply understand the contribution of literate practices to STEM teaching and learning with the aim of supporting more socially just and equitably focused designed tools and contexts.
Professor Gomez leverages design-based and impact-based research methodologies and employs a relational approach to research, design, and scholarship. She places context at the center of the design of learning environments (tools, routines and interventions). To engage in her collaborative research and design efforts, Gomez partners with local community-based organizations, after-school programs, and K-16 schools to design new learning environments, primarily in research-practice partnerships (RPPs) and networked-improvement communities (NICs) with schools, teachers, and community-based organizations designing and studying the impact of new technologies, to solve problems within these RPP and NIC settings.
Professor Gomez has been awarded funding from the National Science Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, the Joyce Family Foundation, and the MacArthur Foundation among others. She is the author of over 60 publications. Her work has appeared in peer-reviewed research journals, two books, and in blogs. She is the recipient of numerous awards in recognition of her outstanding career including the Bobbie and Mark Greenfield Faculty Award for Applied Research in Learning and Achievement and the Distinguished Teaching Award from UCLA’s Graduate School of Education, and the Harold A. and Lois Haytin Faculty Award, from Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, UCLA for her collaborative work with practitioners. Professor Gomez is an Osher Fellowship recipient (awarded by the Exploratorium), and a Sudikoff Family Institute for Education & New Media fellow (2013-14).
Gomez received a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. She served as a postdoctoral fellow and a research associate in the Center for Learning Technologies in Urban Schools (LeTUS) NSF-funded study at Northwestern, in Northwestern University’s Learning Sciences program. Since 2011, Gomez has been the lead language and literacy fellow at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Gomez has been a tenured faculty member at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the University of Pittsburgh, and is currently a tenured Professor of Education at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Awards, Honors and Fellowships
- 2017-18, Department of Education Distinguished Teaching Award
- 2016, Osher Fellowship, The Exploratorium
- 2014-15, Fellowship of the Sudikoff Family Institute for Education & New Media
- 2013-14, Harold A. and Lois Haytin Faculty Award, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, UCLA
- Ph.D., University of Chicago, Educational Psychology, 1994
Select Publications
- Barron, B., Gomez, K., Pinkard, N., & Martin, C. (2014). The Digital Youth Network: Cultivating New Media Citizenship in Urban Communities. Cambridge: MIT Press.
- Bruna, K., & Gomez, K. (Eds.) (2008). The work of language in multicultural classrooms: Talking science, writing science. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum (now Routledge, Taylor Francis Group).
- Gomez, K., Bernstein, D., Zywica, J., Hamner, E., Lee, U-S., and Cunningham, J. (2015). Robotics Community Experiences: Leveraging Informal Design and Learning Experiences to Motivate Urban Youth in STEM. Chapter 29. In Habib, M. (Ed). Handbook on Research in Robotics and Mechatronics. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishers.
- Zywica, J., Gomez, K., Matsumura, L. (in press). Creating new figured worlds through media literacy: Developing identity in a Language Arts classroom. International Journal of Learning and Media.
- Gomez, K. & Lee, U-S. (2015) Situated cognition and learning environments: implications for teachers on- and offline in the new digital media age, Interactive Learning Environments, 23:5, 634-652
- Gomez, K., Gomez, L., Rodela, K., Horton, E., Cunningham, J., & Ambrocio, R. (November, 2015). Embedding language support in developmental mathematics lessons: Exploring the value of design as professional development for community college mathematics instructors. Journal of Teacher Education, Special Issue on Improvement in Education.
- Wardrip, P., Gomez, L., & Gomez, K. (2015). We modify each other’s lessons: the role of literacy work circles in developing professional community, Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teachers’ Professional Development.
- Gomez, K., Mancevice, N., Lee, U-S., & Cunningham, J. (2014). Talk as a Window into Collaborative Lesson Design: Designing a Common Rubric in an Elementary School Work Circle. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Boulder, Colorado. p. 1671
- Gomez, K., Kwon, S., Gomez, L, & Sherer, J. (2014). Supporting reading to learn in science: The application of summarization technology in multicultural urban high school classrooms. Chapter 7. In R. Bloymeyer, T. Ganesh, & H. Waxman (Eds.), Research on Technology in Multicultural Settings. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publications.
- Gomez, K., Rodela, K., Lozano, M., & Mancevice, N. (September, 2013). Designing embedded language and literacy supports for developmental mathematics teaching and learning. In MathAMATYC Educator.
- Gomez, K., Bernstein, D., & Zywica, J., & Hamner, E. (2012). Urban children and design: Exploring two informal learning structures for learning robotics. Robots in K-12 education: A new technology for learning. (Eds.) Barker, B., Nugent, G., Grandgenett, N.& Adamchuk, V.I. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publications.
- Lawless, K.A., Goldman, S.R., Gomez, K., Manning, F., and Braasch, J.L. (2012). Assessing Multiple Source Comprehension Through Evidence Centered Design. In J.S. Sabatini, E. Albro, and T. O’Reilly (Eds.), Reaching an Understanding: Innovations in How We View Reading Assessment (pp 3-17). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Education.
- Celedon-Pattichis, S. & Gomez, K. (2010) Transforming pre-service teachers’ knowledge for mathematics and science teaching. In E. Riojas Clark, B. Bustos Flores, R. Hernandez Sheets (Eds.). Teacher Preparation for Bilingual Student Populations: Educar para transformar. Routledge, Taylor Francis Group.
- Gomez, K., Gomez, L., Cooper, B., Lozano, M., & Mancevice, N. (under review). Redressing Science Learning Through Supporting Language: The Biology Credit Recovery Course.