Jane Margolis
Moore Hall 3335
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521
Jane Margolis
Research Scientist Emerita
Jane Margolis is a Senior Researcher at the UCLA School of Education and Information Studies. Her work focuses on systemic segregation and inequality in education. Since 1994 her work has focused on computer science education as a window into how segregation and inequality get reproduced. Margolis is the lead author of two award-winning books: Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing (MIT Press, 2002), which examines the gender gap in computer science at the college level; and Stuck in the Shallow End: Education Race, and Computing (MIT Press, 2008, 2017), which examines the low number of African-Americans, Latinos, and females in computer science at the high school level. Margolis has helped build a long-lasting partnership with LAUSD, the second-largest school district in the country, around broadening participation in computing. She has served as a national leader and PI on several major NSF grants focused on democratizing computer science education. Currently, her work focuses on elevating the voices and supporting the identity, agency, and engagement of high school students traditionally marginalized in computer science education. This work, in collaboration with team member Dr. Jean Ryoo, is taking place with students in LAUSD and the Mississippi Delta. In 2016, Margolis was awarded as an Obama White House Champion of Change for her work in broadening participation in computing.
- Democratization of Computer Science Education
- Education Segregation
- Structural Inequality
- Student Identity
Research Centers
Awards, Honors and Fellowships
- 2018 UCLA Optimist Award
https://optimism.ucla.edu/profiles/jane-margolis/ - 2016 White House Champion of Change Awardee
- Ed.D., Education, Harvard University, 1990
- M.A., Psychology, Harvard University Extension, 1985
Select Publications
- Jean Ryoo and Jane Margolis. (2022). Power On!: A Graphic Novel of Digital Empowerment. Cambridge, MA. MIT Press.
- Jean Ryoo, Alicia Morris, Jane Margolis (2021). What happens to the raspado man in a cash-free society?: Teaching and Learning Socially Responsible Computing. Accepted for publication by Transactions in Computing Education Special Issue.
- Jean Ryoo, Tiera Tanksley, Cynthia Estrada, and Jane Margolis. 2020. Take space, make space: How students use computer science to disrupt and resist marginalization in schools. Computer Science Education. Vol 30. DOI: 10.1080/08993408.2020.1805284
- Margolis, J., Goode, J., Flapan, J. (2017). A Critical Crossroads for Computer Science for All: “Identifying Talent” or “Building Talent,” and What Difference Does it Make? In Moving Students of Color From Consumers to Producers of Technology (eds. Rankin, Y. and Thomas, J.) Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishers.
- Goode, J., Flapan, J., & Margolis, J. (2017). Computer Science for All: A School Reform Framework for Broadening Participation in Computer Science. In Tierney, W., Corwin, Z., & Ochsner, A. (Eds). Digital Equity and Educational Opportunity. Baltimore, MA: John Hopkins Press.
- Margolis, Goode, Chapman (2015). An Equity Lens for Scaling: A Critical Juncture for Exploring Computer Science. ACM Sept. 2015, Vol. 6, No. 3. Pp. 58-66. PDF.
- Margolis, J., Goode, J., Chapman, G., Ryoo, J. (Sept. 2014). In the CACM journal. That Classroom “Magic:” Teaching Practices for Broadening Participation in Computer Science.
- Goode, J., Margolis, J., & Chapman, G. (2014). Curriculum is not enough: The educational theory and research foundation of the exploring computer science professional development model. In Proceedings of the 45th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 493-498).
- Margolis, J. et. al. (2008, 2017). Stuck in the Shallow End: Education, Race, and Computing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Margolis, J. and Fisher, A. (2002). Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.