Jaime Park
1320 Moore Hall, Box 951521
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles , CA 90095-1521
Jaime Park
UCLA Teacher Education Program Faculty
My teaching and research interests focus on teaching and learning math for equity, deep sense-making, community, and relevance.
Research Centers
Awards, Honors and Fellowships
- Professional Learning Team, U.S. Department of Education, UCLA STEM+C3 Teacher Residency Program
- Lead Faculty, Los Angeles Unified School District UCLA Teacher Residency Program
- Lead Faculty, UCLA NOYCE Scholarship Program, NSF Funded Project
- Lead Faculty, U.S. Department of Education, UCLA IMPACT Teacher Residency Program
- Advisory Board Member and Consultant, Supporting Instruction and Student Learning in Disadvantaged Subpopulations Through Interactions Maps, NSF Funded Project
- Ph.D., Preparing Secondary Mathematics Teachers in Urban Schools: Using Video to Develop Understanding of Equity-Based Discourse and Classroom Norms, University of California at Los Angeles
- M.Ed., Teaching, Urban Schools, and Social Justice, University of California at Los Angeles
- B.S., Mathematics, University of California at Los Angeles
Select Publications
- Park, J., Nava, I., & Arias, M. (September, 2021). Framing Pre-Service Teacher Learning and Accountability. In Annamarie Francois & Karen Hunter Quartz (Eds.) Transforming public schools: How UCLA’s Center X has become a pillar for social justice education in Los Angeles. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Press.
- Nava, I., & Park, J. (2021). Pre-Service STEM Teachers and Their Enactment of Community-STEM-Project Based Learning. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, Volume 21(9).
- Nava, I., Kawasaki, J., Nguyen, V., & Park, J. (2020). A teaching and learning framework for designing and enacting social justice in the science classroom. The Teacher Science Journal.
- Park, J. & Nava, I. (2019). How Can Pre-service STEM Teachers Enact Project-Based Learning for Authentic Community Engagement? ARISE: Advancing Research and Innovation in the STEM Education of Pre-service Teachers in High-Need School Districts. https://aaas-arise.org/
- Nava, I., Park, J., Dockterman, D., Kawasaki, J., Schweig, J., Hunter-Quartz, K., & Martinez, F. (2018). Measuring Teaching Quality of Secondary Mathematics and Science Residents: A Classroom Observation Framework and Pilot Generalizability Study. Journal of Teacher Education, 1-16.
- Freking, F., Park, J., & Francois, A. (2015). Integrating Academic Language into Content Methodology: Supporting Math and Science Teacher Candidates to Meet Students’ Language Needs. New Educator Journal, 11(1), 60-78
- Hunter Quartz, K. & the IMPACT Research Group. (2014). Learning in residence: Mixed-methods research on an urban teacher residency program. UC Regents UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies: The Center XChange. Series Number: WP-1101-2014. Retrieved from https://ucla.app.box.com/s/c3hfj46nnnx7rybs6xkn.
- Nava, I., Park, J., Dockterman, D., Kawasaki, J., Schweig, J., Hunter Quartz, K., & Felipe Martinez, J. (2014). Measuring Teaching Quality of Secondary Mathematics and Science Residents: A Classroom Observation Framework and Pilot Generalizability Study. Retrieved from https://ucla.app.box.com/s/ize0eqggamy1idfi2dly.
- Park, J., Nava, I., & Appelgate, M. (2014). Observation Rubric for Secondary Mathematics. UC Regents UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies: The Center XChange. IPMS025-X047-2011. Retrieved from https://cxarchive.gseis.ucla.edu/xchange/images-and-media/MathObservationRubric.pdf
- Spencer, J., Park, J. & Santagata, R. (2010). Keeping the Mathematics on the Table in Urban, Mathematics Professional Development: A Model that Integrates Dispositions towards Students. In M.Q. Foote (Ed.) Mathematics teaching and learning in K-12: Equity and professional development. New
York: Palgrave.