Ellen Pearlstein

Ellen Pearlstein

GSE&IS 230
300 North Charles E. Young Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1520


M.A., Columbia University, 1978

Advanced Certificate in Conservation, New York University, 1982

Select Publications

1.Pearlstein, E., M. Hughs, J. Mazurek, K. McGraw, C. Pesme, and M. Garcia-Garibay, 2014, Correlations between photochemical damage and UV fluorescence of feathers, ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference, Melbourne, Australia September 15-19, 2014.

2.Pearlstein, E., 2015, Displaying feathers, what history tells us, in Images Take Flight; Feather Art in Mexico and Europe, Alessandra Russo, Gerhard Wolf, Diana Fanes, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press in collaboration with the Kunsthistorisches Institut-Max-Planck Institut in Florence and the Museo Nacional de Arte (MUNAL) in Mexico City.

3.O’Hern, Robin, Ellen Pearlstein and Susan Elizabeth Gagliardi, 2014, Beyond the Surface: Where Cultural Contexts and Scientific Analyses Meet in the Conservation of Komo Helmet Masks in Museum Collections, Museum Anthropology, 39, no. 1 (2016): 70-86.

4.O’Hern, Robin,  & Ellen Pearlstein (2013) Label removal from deteriorated leather-bound books, Journal of the Institute of Conservation, 36:2, 109-124.

5.Riedler, R., C. Pesme, J. Druzik, M. Gleeson, and E. Pearlstein, 2014, A review of color producing mechanisms in feathers and their influence on preventive conservation strategies, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 53:1, 44-65.

6.Pearlstein, E., and D. Lohnas, 2013, Conservation outreach materials for a tribal museum without conservators, Playing to the Galleries and Engaging New Audiences: the public face of conservation, London: Archetype Publications, 222-231.

7.Kaplan, E., E. Howe, E. Pearlstein, and J. Levinson, 2013, The Qero Project: Conservation and Science Collaboration Over Time, Postprints of the Research and Technical Studies Group, American Institute for Conservation.

8.Gleeson, M., E. Pearlstein, B. Marshall, and R. Riedler, 2012. California featherwork: considerations for examination and preservation. Museum Anthropology, 35 (2) 101–114.

9.de Alarcon, T., R. Ohern, E. Pearlstein, 2012, Case Studies in Basketry Repair: Two Abenaki Splint Baskets, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 51:123–143.

10.Pearlstein, E. and M. Gleeson, 2012, Developing a technical and condition database for California Native American featherwork, Sharing Conservation, Eds. Cristina D’Andrea, Ufficio Pubblicazioni Musei Vaticani, and Daniela Rullo, Gruppo Italiano dell’International Institute for Conservation (IGIIC).