Jody Priselac

Associate Dean for Community Programs

Titles and Positions

  • Associate Dean for Community Programs
  • Adjunct Professor of Education


  • Doctor of Education, University of California, Los Angeles, 1999
  • California Single Subject Credential – Secondary Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles, 1975
  • B.A., Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles, 1974

Select Publications

Battey, D., Franke, M., Priselac, J. (April 2004). Scaling Up Professional Development: the Case of Mathematics. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Education Research Association, San Diego, California.

Priselac, J., (September 2003). Providing High Quality Professional Development. Presentation at the Council of Chief State School Officers, The No Child Left Behind Act Teacher Quality Braintrust Meeting. Washington, D.C.

Priselac, J., Powell, Peitzman, Montagna (April 2003). Making Connections: Antiracist Pedagogy and Social Justice Teacher Education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Priselac, J. (2003). Take the Challenge: Teach Mathematics Differently. Invited Keynote Address at the annual conference of the Los Angeles City Teachers of Mathematics Association. Los Angeles, California.

Priselac, J., Kriegler, S. (April 2002). Scaling Up Mathematics Professional Development: LUCI. Presentation at annual meeting of the National Conference for Teachers of Mathematics, Las Vegas, Nevada.