Library and Information Studies Alumni Association (LISAA)

If you are a graduate of the UCLA Department of Information Studies, then you are a member of LISAA. We provide alumni with opportunities for networking, lifelong learning, and engagement throughout the year. We sponsor colloquia, mixers, and other events including the Annual Spring Awards Dinner. We invite you to stay connected and involved! As a graduate of the program (MLS, Ph.D., Certificate) you’re already part of a special group of UCLA graduates who continue to make their contribution to library and information services across the state, country, and world.

LISAA Mission

The purpose of the Library and Information Studies Alumni Association (hereafter referred to as LISAA) is:

  • To maintain among the alumni of the UCLA Department of Information Studies (hereafter  referred to as the Department) a spirit of fellowship and service to librarianship and an ongoing connection with the Department and the School of Education and Information Studies.
  • To facilitate communication between the Department and the alumni.
  • To help support the students of the Department by guidance, gifts and scholarships.
  • To promote the continuing professional education of the alumni.

LISAA Bylaws—Adopted May 31, 1979; Last Amended December 20, 2006. LISAA fulfills its purpose through the sponsoring of its own events (see below), participating in and supporting events of the Department, and facilitating the networking of alumni and students.

Support Information Studies

The School of Education and Information Studies relies on the support of our alumni and friends to further the mission of the school. Find more about school-wide giving opportunities.

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