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APA Taskforce to Present Assessment of Perspectives of School Violence During Covid-19

Briefing underscores threat of violence, concerns of school personnel turnover

The American Psychological Association (APA) Task Force on Violence against Educators and School Personnel, Thursday, March 17, will present the findings of a comprehensive assessment of nearly 15,000 teachers, school psychologists, school social workers, administrator and staff across the United States regarding their perspectives of school violence during COVID-19. 

The briefing will take via zoom at 2:00 p.m. (Eastern).  To attend the briefing, please register at

 School violence is a global epidemic that affects all school personnel in Pre-K through 12th grade schools. At the briefing, participants will present key findings from the assessment and recommendations for supporting legislative efforts addressing school violence as a public health issue, as well as share the perspectives of school personnel. 

The briefing is being conducted in collaboration with the American Federation of Teachers, the National Association of School Psychologists, the National Association of Social Workers, the National Education Association, and the School Social Work Association of America.  

 UCLA Professor Ron Avi Astor is a member of the task force. Astor holds the Marjorie Crump Chair Professorship in Social Welfare at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs with a joint appointment in the UCLA School of Education and Information Studies.

 Please register at