The UCLA School of Education and Information Studies and the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health will present a webinar on “Principal Practices for Safe Schools: School-Based COVID-19 Transmission” on Thursday, Feb. 18, 4-5 p.m.
Shira Shafir, Ph.D., associate professor in Community Health Sciences and Epidemiology at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, and Dr. Naomi Bardach, associate professor of Pediatrics and Health Policy at UC San Francisco, will lead a panel discussion for principals and school administrators on safety and best practices for reopening schools.
UCLA alumna Susan Montaño (’06, Teacher Education Program; M.Ed., Principal Leadership Program), principal at Ricardo Lizarraga Elementary, LAUSD, will be among the panelists. Nancy Parachini, director of the Principal Leadership Institute at UCLA Center X, and Carrie Usui Johnson, Director, Professional Development & Partnerships, UCLA Center X, are co-organizers of this new series for principals and administrators.
This event is also supported by the Association of California School Administrators, the California Department of Public Health, California ALL, UC San Francisco, and California Connected.
To register for this webinar, visit this link.
For a PDF of the event flyer, click here.