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COVID 19 Pritzker

UCLA Pritzker Center Presents COVID-19 Speaker Series

The UCLA Pritzker Center for Strengthening Children and Families presents a lecture series on the impact of COVID-19 upon vulnerable populations in Los Angeles. Speakers include experts and faculty from UCLA, and leaders from medical, legal, and educational organizations across L.A. County. 

The speaker series is free and open to all. Each discussion will be recorded for educational purposes. 

April 9

Special Education and COVID-19

Tyrone Howard, PhD, UCLA Professor of Education

Jill Rowland, Esq., Education Program Director, Alliance for Children’s Rights


April 14

Safer at Home? Child Abuse and COVID-19

Laura Alongi, MSW, Field Education Faculty, Department of Social Welfare, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs

Roberta Medina, Deputy Director, L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services


April 16

Immigrant Children and Families and COVID-19

Nina Rabin, JD, Executive Director, UCLA School of Law Immigrant Family Legal Clinic

Rigoberto Reyes, Executive Director, Los Angeles County Office of Immigrant Affairs


April 21

COVID-19 and Contemporary Medical and Legal Issues in Foster Care

Stacy Barron, MD, UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center

Leslie Heimov, JD, Executive Director, Children’s Law Center


April 23

Foster Family Well-Being and COVID-19

Audra Langley, PhD, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA Semel Institute Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Ron Brown, PhD, President & CEO, Children’s Bureau of Southern California


April 28

Parental Rights and COVID-19

Fanna Gamal, JD, Binder Clinical Teaching Fellow, UCLA School of Law

Dennis Smeal, JD, Executive Director, Los Angeles Dependency Lawyers, Inc.


April 30

Justice for Youth and COVID-19

Elizabeth Barnert, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine

Patricia Soung, JD, Director of Youth Justice Policy and Senior Staff Attorney, Children’s Defense Fund


More information on each panel and the speakers is at