UCLA Ed&IS’ Office of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (OJEDI) Statement of Values and Principles

Statement of Values and Principles

The OJEDI shares Ed&IS’ commitment to combat inequities and racism. In order to fulfill our purpose and live our values, we aim to make our commitment to justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion evident in our mission, vision, organizational structures, policies, and practices. We are accountable to each other and transparent in our pursuit of equity. We will honor different and unique identities and nurture an accessible, welcoming and respectful environment for all members in our Ed&IS community.

Racial Justice

Racial justice is our guiding principle for an Ed&IS community and world in which White supremacy is abolished, and all systems of oppression are dismantled. In order to achieve racial justice, Ed&IS needs to build deliberate systems of support through proactive strategies. We believe that achieving racial justice is an active process, and can only occur in partnership, community, and conviviality with one another through accountable, equitable, and inclusive relationships. This requires our community to continuously reflect on how anti-Blackness and other forms of racism manifest in our practices, policies, and decision-making processes. We honor the lives of People of Color. We call our Ed&IS community to listen to the stories, voices, leadership, and collective power of Black, Brown, Asian, and Indigenous peoples to be uplifted and centered in our journey towards racial justice.


Equity involves giving students, staff and faculty what they need to succeed academically and professionally. This requires understanding the unique challenges and barriers faced by individuals or by groups (e.g., Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), LGBTQ+ students, staff and faculty) and providing additional supports to help them overcome those barriers. Equity involves giving its community members what they need to succeed academically and professionally, and Ed&IS seeks to ensure that every member of our community has equal opportunity to do so. Equity is practiced in Ed&IS by putting at the center of every decision those who are in need of most support so they can succeed.


More than simply diversity and numerical representation, inclusion involves authentic and empowered participation and a true sense of belonging at Ed&IS. Ed&IS acknowledges that institutional spaces may not feel safe; however we are committed to putting in the work necessary to make Ed&IS a space where all members of our community can grow and excel. To achieve inclusion, Ed&IS must engage in authentically bringing traditionally excluded individuals and/or groups into processes, activities, and decision-making in a way that shares power.


Racism is a system where one racial group dominates/has power over others. Ed&IS recognizes the many forms in which racism takes place: Anti-Black racism, Anti-Asian racism, Anti-Latinx racism, and racism against Indigenous people and communities. Ed&IS will work actively to combat racism in all its forms as well as discrimination in all its forms.


Ed&IS will hold itself accountable for effectively combating anti-Blackness and any form of racism in our community. Ed&IS will generate specific and concrete plans of action and reforms to effectively combat deep-rooted systems of racism, White supremacy, power, privilege, oppression and colonialism.

Ed&IS’ accountability process:

  • Following the leadership of people of color
  • Transparency
  • Soliciting feedback
  • Forming advisory relationships
  • Listening
  • Taking action
  • Providing financial resources to incentivize research on anti-Blackness and other forms of racism.