Mary Niles Maack (1945-2023)
Mary Niles Maack (1945-2023)
Professor Emerita
Professor Maack was known for her scholarship on international comparative librarianship, the history of the book and women’s history. She achieved her life’s goal of becoming a tenured professor at the University of Minnesota and then UCLA, and continued teaching and writing well into retirement. She loved France and did notable work there, serving as a Fulbright Professor at the French National Library School in Villeurbanne and winning multiple competitive grants to do research at the Bibliotheque Nationale, one of her favorite places.
Across her career, Mary had the opportunity to lecture or consult in fourteen countries, including Cameroon, Nigeria, Senegal, Kenya, France, Canada, Russia and Germany. She published important books on the history of libraries and archives in Senegal (Libraries in Senegal), women in librarianship (Aspirations in Mentoring in an Academic Environment) and women’s history (Anne Morgan: Photography, Philanthropy and Advocacy). She wrote numerous articles and essays, co-edited the third edition of the Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, and played important roles in the Library History Roundtable of the American Library Association, the International Federation of Library Associations, and as head of the California Center for the Book.
Read about Mary Maack’s life here.
Titles and Positions
- Professor, Department of Information Studies
- Director, Book Studies Forum
- Ph.D., Columbia University, 1978
- M.A., Columbia University, 1970
- B.A., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1968 (with High Honors and High Distinction in History)
Select Publications
- Aspirations and Mentoring in an Academic Environment with Joanne Passet as second author. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994.
- “Scholarly Resources for the Study of the Third World: The Case of Africa.” in Libraries and Scholarly Communication in the United States. ed. by John Cole and Phyllis Dain. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990, pp. 111-133.
- “Comparative Methodology as a Means for Assessing the Impact of Feminization and Professionalization on Librarianship.” pp. 66 – 77, in Library Lit16-: The Best of 1985. ed. by Bill Katz. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1986. (reprinted from International Library Review 17: 5-16 (1985).
- Libraries in Senegal: Continuity and Change in an Emerging Nation. Chicago, American Library Association, 1981, p. 280.
- “Toward A New Model Of The Information Professions: Embracing Empowerment.” Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 38 (Fall 1997): 283-302