Advanced Quantitative Methods in Education and Research Program

The Department of Education offers a Certificate in Advanced Quantitative Methodology in Educational Research open to all UCLA graduate students. Through focused quantitative coursework, along with participation in relevant seminars and talks, AQM certificate fellows pursue the in-depth study and applications of statistics (e.g. multilevel data analysis, latent variable modeling), measurement (e.g. item response theory, factor analysis, generalizability theory), or research design (e.g. causal inference, missing data, survey methods).

Coursework will be individually determined, and focus on one or more of these areas of quantitative methodology, as relevant to the research interests of the student.


  • Submission of an application form, including a statement of interest.
  • Successful completion of six courses from a list of approved courses in advanced quantitative methodology offered by the Department of Education — courses offered by other departments on campus (e.g. statistics, psychology, political science, biostatistics, sociology) may be substituted with written approval from the head of the Social Research Methodology Division or an AQM faculty member designated by the head. Only one class may be taken Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.
  • Engagement in the SRM division. This may consist of two or more of the following:
    • Enrolling in two quarters of a Research Apprenticeship Course (RAC) in SRM of interest to the student.
    • Enrolling in ED243 (Reflections on Methods in Social Science).
    • Attending two SRM Brownbag Talks, seminar or talk events.


Candidates for the certificate may choose six courses from the following courses in the Department of Education:

211A. Educational and Psychological Measurement: Underlying Theory and Practice

211B. Educational and Psychological Measurement: Generalizability Theory

211C. Advanced Item Response Theory

231A. Toolkit for Quantitative Methods Research

M231B. Factor Analysis

231C. Analysis of Categorical and Other Nonnormal Data

231D. Advanced Quantitative Models in Nonexperimental Research: Multilevel Analysis

M231E. Statistical Analysis with Latent Variables

255 [A, B, C] Special Topics in Advanced Quantitative Methods

Candidates may also choose advanced quantitative methods courses from other departments on campus, such as psychology, statistics, biostatistics, sociology, political science, and others with the approval of the SRM Division Head. Above-listed Education classes taken prior to application will count toward certificate.


A presentation of original research conducted by the student applying advanced quantitative methods to any area of or problem in education. The presentation may take place in an SRM seminar, or SRM RAC course, or in a departmental research event (e.g. Brownbag, Student R&I conference) as deemed feasible and appropriate by the head of the Social Research Methodology Division.


Interested candidates should fill out a short application form providing their biographical information, a brief statement of interest and a tentative plan of six courses. Admission to the certificate program will be granted based on an assessment of the student’s statement of interest and proposed course plan.  


Upon completion of course work, a presentation, and attendance to two or more talks and seminar sessions, students submit transcripts (and a document of the presentation) to Amy Gershon, Director of the Office of Student Services, to process the award of the certificate.   

For questions on the certificate, please contact Amy Gershon at Click here to submit an application form.